Sunday, February 17, 2013

This Picture Fraud-they claim Walt Disney World started in 1965-when it was 1923-a few years before colored movies-Cartoons were very popular-

Actor Clifton Webb-Murdered 1948-was the real Walt Disney-Owner of Walt Disney World/Land.-Threw Disney Production-doing the most to teach good to children in USA.

Clifton Webb the real Walt Disney-

Clifton Web in younger years-1900-and family.

Henry Winkler as boy.1-of Son 's of Walt Disney/Clifton Webb-that were kidnapped by KKK.

Later in Life he was still in middle of the KKK activity-but he did not remember his real family.He did write the script for Star wars.

Henry Winkler

Henry Winkler-Happy Days-Over tie USA Government was able to Identifie him as Clifton Web/Walt Disney son.But in the mean time he was deported as a KKK member until DNA advancements were made.He does believe in Jehovah God.And the KKK have tried to corrupt him as they do many over the years-So he has to look to Jehovah God for his life.

Henry Winkler after many years of kidnapped-among KKK

Henry Winkle.

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