Hugh Jackman-One of KC's Character's-Many people claiming fame to a fraud look of Kc and Sunshine Band-Out to steal his name and they make money with fraud concerts-fooling the public-when it is not him there.
We have had many Characters-in the movie industry and music industry-and the Fraud KKK trying to pose and claim fame to fool You the public.A normal criminal act of the KKK.Long history of.
KC-as Hugh Jackman-A John Schnieder is trying to pose as Hugh Jackman also-He has had his own career for years.Will not leave KC-career alone either.Makes no sense-the foolish things KKK members do-
KC-early singing years-as Davis Casedy-The KKK members-were trying to kill him back then-used a drug causing him and others to loose their muscle mass-when KKK does that to a person they/KKK members are getting ready to steal body parts from a person.I got him away from them and-had the Partrage family show canceled-And fired and arrested many-they later came back kidnapping the younger kids and as much as the show's scenery-even the bus.To try to copy show somewhere else-But they all were arrested.And kids returned.USA Government does not tollerate KKK crimes.
KC-when younger with our home pets-Watch Lions-we had many-Needed extra security at home-KKK would not leave us alone-
Me and KC-Me as Marie Osmond--I am-also Sheena Easton,Olivia Newton John,Stevie Nicks and many more legally owned names.Our right to own and use not anyone else's.